Episode 3: The Lucky Life

Imagine what you could achieve if you could initiate your own lucky streaks...

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Hi, I’m Rebecca and you’re listening to Brain Snacks, the podcast that brings you bite-sized tips for designing a life you love. 

In this series, Dangerously Disciplined, we’re revealing four simple steps to take the pain out of being disciplined and make it a natural part of your life. 

In episodes 1 and 2, you plotted coordinates for where you’re at right now and where you want to get to. And now that you have a clear line-of-sight from the present moment towards your ideal future state, you can learn to tailor your habits to create lucky streaks that carry you from here to there. 

And I say ‘lucky streaks’ because setting up good habits facilitates success in a way that makes it seem effortless. And isn’t that what luck is? A case of preparation meeting opportunity? So, let’s get you prepared with layers of simple, constructive habits so that when opportunity knocks, you’re prepared to make the most of it.

Activity worksheet

Completing this 10-15 minute activity is your third step to becoming a more disciplined ‘you': My environment.  


Thanks to the following researchers and thought leaders, who have informed and inspired this podcast (in alphabetical order).

Adam Alter, author of Irresistible - The Rise of Addictive Technology and the Business of Keeping Us Hooked

James Clear, author of Atomic Habits, USA

Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple, keynote speech launching iPad


Episode 4: One Step to Exceptional Habits


Episode 2: The Secret to Goal-Setting