Coaching: frequently asked questions

Here you’ll find considered answers to the questions I get asked the most. If you’d like to dive deeper into any of these topics or ask your own questions about growing in life, leadership or business, get in touch.

If you’re at a career crossroads, you may be wondering…

Should I quit my job to follow my passion?

How can I navigate a career crossroads?

If you’re contemplating or already running your own business, you may be wondering…

Do I have what it takes to run my own business?

Can I balance my business with my family?

What makes a business successful?

As the owner of a small business, who can I talk to?

What are the risks of running my own business?

If you’re leading a team or emerging as a leader, you may be wondering…

What makes a great leader?

Get in touch if you’d like support to work through tricky questions like these.