Episode 5: Shine your light

“I wanted to be the creator. To create that new thing — something cutting edge — to help others shine their light into the world. And so Emotional Release Yoga was born.”

—Madina Tanekeyeva, senior yoga teacher and mentor, author of Emotional Release Yoga and creator of the Madina Online Yoga Community



If you dream of running your own business, but aren’t sure what it takes, tune-in to Passion Projects. In this series, you’ll hear from free-spirited individuals who’ve chosen to ditch the 9-5 in favour of launching their own businesses in the health and wellness space.

You’ll get the scoop on how to set-up the business of your dreams. You’ll learn how to make successful decisions, overcome challenges and set-up support systems for stunning success.

In this first episode of Passion Projects, you’ll hear from entrepreneur Madina Tanekeyeva about her journey from corporate life to becoming a senior yoga teacher and mentor, author of Emotional Release Yoga and creator of the Madina Online Yoga Community.

Key messages

Here are five key messages from Madina’s interview to help you create a thriving business and a balanced life. Tune in now for more inspiration on how you can apply these tips in your own life.

01. Exploit your experience

You’ve built up a wealth of skills and experience over your life. If you’re thinking about pivoting your career, you may be afraid of letting this enormous value go to waste. But rest assured, you don’t discard what you’ve already learnt as you move forward. Rather, you leverage your existing skills, knowledge and networks to create your new venture — a new adventure, if you like — and to make it a raving success. 

02. Stay true to yourself

When you act in alignment with your values, interests and strengths, you discover meaningful work. When you build a business that you truly believe in, you are energised to make the world a better place and you invite fair compensation for your contributions. 

03. Choose ‘your people’ carefully

It’s important to surround yourself with people who see your value and remind you of it. These people are a joy to be around and together you work in flow. They encourage you to stay true to yourself, celebrate your successes and support you through the ebb and flow of business, and life more generally. 

04. Adopt an abundance mentality

A scarcity mindset activates the fear circuits in your brain and stifles your ability to create and connect with people. When you trust there is enough for everyone — enough clients, enough income, enough opportunity to contribute your talents — you can make better decisions, forge more fruitful relationships and achieve your goals with grace. 

05. Invest in yourself

When you have a strong sense of self-worth, you can accept yourself for where you are at today. At the same time, you give yourself permission to grow. You prioritise your mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing and access the support you need to thrive. This may include regular contact with friends and family; a body-worker like a chiropractor, yoga or dance instructor; a spiritual advisor; mentor; or coach.

Guest’s contact details

If you’re curious to learn more about Madina’s work and, in particular, how you can use Emotional Release Yoga to reconnect with your body, you can contact her through her website, Madina Yoga.


Episode 6: Naturally charged living


Episode 4: One Step to Exceptional Habits