Grow your mindset and business

"Oh my gosh, I have no idea how to solve this!"

These were Jessica Kiely's words, weeks before launching the world's first online natural perfume shop.

A serial entrepreneur in services, Jessica had been crafting her first product business, Natural Perfume Collective, for years. As far as logistics were concerned, she planned to handpick natural fragrances, stock them on her virtual shelves and sell them.

But life is never so simple.

It never occurred to Jessica – until she was getting ready to ship some early orders — that the alcohol content of her products would deem them DANGEROUS GOODS according to Australia Post. They were ineligible for standard shipping.

The result?

A transportation headache for Jessica, and a valuable message for you... 

At some stage of your life, you will find yourself in perfect flow, working diligently towards your goals – and then suddenly, smack! You hit an obstacle and, like Jessica, are left gasping,

“Oh my gosh, I have no idea how to solve this”.

At this point, you have two options:

  1. To freeze

  2. To rise to the challenge

Freezing is a common choice. Well, perhaps not a choice per se, but a natural reaction to an unexpected event that your body perceives as a threat. The freeze response paralyses your cognition and ability to take action — and given that life rewards action, this is pretty bad news for your progress.

So, assuming you don't want to freeze, how do you choose option 2? How do you rise to the challenge?

Your first step is to add the word 'yet' to your assessment of the situation. Yes, it's as simple as that. You say, 

“Oh my gosh, I have no idea how to solve this, YET.”

This tiny three-letter word acknowledges your potential to resolve the situation. It gives you permission to explore solutions. And recasts the threat as a mere pebble in your shoe.

You shake it out and keep walking.

This is exactly what Jessica Kiely did when she faced the DANGEROUS GOODS dilemma. Jessica adopted a growth mindset and applied her resourcefulness to find a solution that would lift her over her obstacle. 

I learned how Jessica rose to this challenge in a recent interview with her, in which she reveals:

  • what it's really like to start up your own business

  • who you can turn to when the going gets tough

  • how to live a thriving personal and professional life.

For a sneak-preview, check out this 2- minute video clip now.

Finally, if you'd like support to solve an unsolvable problem — or to simply rise to the challenge — you're welcome to shoot me an email or book a call

I wish you a beautiful day and the courage to lead your best life.


PS If you know anyone who would benefit from some support on their journey to a happier, healthier life, please share this link with them. 


What’s a bogey hole got to do with it?


Fun injection!